Michigan College Access Network (MCAN)


The College Cash Campaign



Governor Whitmer challenged all Michigan high schools to set a bold FAFSA completion goal, select a FAFSA champion, and systematically track data on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completions. High schools accepting the challenge should sign up for the College Cash Campaign, which will provide the resources necessary to support high schools working to prioritize FAFSA completion. The goal of the College Cash Campaign is to increase Michigan’s FAFSA completion rate to 75%.


The College Cash Campaign FAFSA Tracker provides accessible data for schools to better understand their current FAFSA completion landscape and progress with the College Board Opportunity Scholarship (CBOS) steps. The FAFSA data displayed on the tracker is provided by MIStudentAid within the Michigan Department of Treasury. The CBOS data on the tracker is provided by the College Board.

Through the FAFSA Tracker tool, all College Cash Campaign sites will have access to an individual school profile displaying current FAFSA completion data, trends over time, and a comparison to previous FAFSA completion cycles, in addition to CBOS data. The Tracker is a great tool for school counselors to track their school’s progress and to easily highlight the successes.

Schools are highly encouraged to submit a Data Use Agreement to MIStudentAid to access the MISSG Portal. The MISSG Portal provides access to student-level data on FAFSA completion and allows counselors and school administrators to identify students who may be in need of additional support.


Schools registering to participate in the College Cash Campaign are eligible for incentives. Entities reaching the FAFSA completion rates below will be provided items to celebrate the work done and encourage a continued dedication to the work.



College Bound Michigan